Friday, November 27, 2015

Books ~

Until last night I was reading a very boring book about qualitative methods and techniques used on social investigations. It's called "Métodos y técnicas cualitativas de investigación en Ciencias Sociales" (just writting this  was booooooring). I was reading it for a subject where I have to learn every single thing about investigation on Education. Also I have to write an essay about this book and trust me, I'm dying because I don't like it at all. I had to read it twice because when I read it the first time, I finished the chapters and in my mind I was like "What!?". Well, I had to read about 2 or 3 chapters, otherwise I think I would be dead X__X
But, changing the subject, I'm reading another book just for fun. It's a book of Gabriel García Márquez and it's called "The incredible and sad tale of innocent Eréndira and her heartless grandmother". It's a short novel, with some stories very weird but is fascinating! When I go out I take the book with me and it's my company on the bus or the subway.
Also, I have 2 books on my list for the summer reading! "The Hobbit" by J. R. R. Tolkien and "IT" by Stephen King. ("IT" will be the longest book I read).


  1. García Márquez was a first author that impress me (Cien años de soledad). Is a great author.

  2. haha I's important to read methodology stuff. You have to read to Jesús Ibañez, he is less boring than the typical sociological manuals and more useful too

  3. having to read something you don't like its the worst
