Friday, December 4, 2015

Wrong skull.

Well, the news I choose is about something that is going to change some part of the history of the world because some people made an investigation on Adolf Hitler's skull fragment and they discovered that it's not his skull.
According to a lot of tests on the DNA of the skull fragment, they figured out the skull belongs to a woman under 40 years old. So now they are wondering where is the proof that Adolf Hitler shoot himself.
Other investigations revealed that the US may have been manipulated the autopsy in the crime lab just to embellish the death of the dictator and his wife.
So now, all this research brings a new theory where they say that Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun didn't die in the bunker, and obviously historian and archaelogist people are going to make some new investigations to prove where and how died Hitler.
At the end of the news, the writter made a summary about all the investigations through the years to prove how was Adolf Hitler's death.

I choose this news because I think it's amazing how the science can change (or put in doubt) something that happens sixty four years ago. It's wonderful for me to think that with some DNA you can cast new theories and people can learn that we are always learning and discovering (or re-discovering) new things.
You can read the news here: Wrong skull


  1. Science of future changing the history of the past ha ha ha sounds curious, but true D:

  2. I think that is a horror that the science can change your life, open brain. This is the horror story :O

  3. Ohh! it´s very interesting as the science can make a lot of things

  4. wow, maybe it is true that he scaped to argentina o.O

  5. Is very interesting the ability of the science for change and manipulate the history.

  6. the article sounds interesting. Many times the investigations developed conclusions very different, and I am agree with my classmates, this is the horror story.

  7. It's amazing how can change something that we think that it's a fact for the science

  8. I don't trust in this "studies", I think is more similar to literature

  9. Very interesting investigations. I don´t surprise me that the science re construct the history that sometimes is only a part of the real events.
    Good comment!

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