Friday, November 13, 2015

Happiness is a warm gun.

It's kind of weird write about happiness in a day I feel really sad and tired, but it must be the end of the year and the avalanche of things to do for university, soooo...

Anyway, if I needed to describe happiness I would say to you that it's a temporary feeling caused by the small things and I think if we learn to enjoy these small things, then we'd probably feel better regularly.
I've learn it in that way since I have depression because everyday is different and everyday you need to find a reason to stay strong, even in the darkest days. So, I always try to do things that entertain me and keeps my mind away from bad thoughts. For example, I like to listen a lot of music, I like to read and I like to cook. Also, since I'm a mom I feel happy every time I see my son.
Last year was very difficult for me to accept this huge change in my life. Being a single mother and know that a life would depend on me should make me fall, but was backwards. It made me realize how strong I can be, and my son is my reason to live and is my reason to feel happy, too.
On days like today I just need to stay close to him, enjoy and smile with every little thing that he does.

1 comment:

  1. It is wonderful you enjoy motherhood so much. And it is also great that diffucult experiences are the ones that make us realize how strong we can be.
