Friday, November 6, 2015

My PET score.

Hi everyone. Today I'm going to write about my scores on a series of test. We are doing this because we need to practice on reading, listening and vocabulary for the final exams.
Well, on the PET reading part 1 (Signs) I got 6/7 and on the PET reading part 1 (Signs test 2) I got 6/7. I think I'm not bad at this stuff. But on the PET reading part 2 (Matching) I got 3/6 :( In this test my difficult was that I needed to read at the bottom of the page and then read again at the top for matching the activities with the people and I'm not very good with my short term memory like Dori, the fish of 'Finding Nemo' lol and I'm very impulsive too.
Following, on the PET listening part 1 I got 6/7 and on the PET listening part 2, the radio interview, I got 5/6. In this area my biggest mistake is my impulsiveness again because I don’t wait for the speaker to end the sentences and I immediately answer wrong.
On the PET Vocabulary Test I got 27/33 because there were a few words I didn’t know and that's all :).

1 comment:

  1. Hi Valeria, the listening and reading are very difficult for me. But with practice you could improve your memories :)
